Saturday, April 25, 2009

Attention all Winklings!

As all of you know from my "Wink" 3 minutes ago, I announced that all of you that follow my "Winks" are now called my "Winklings."
In honor of the Earth, I am going to start my Spring Challenge. Don't take this challenge lightly. My challenges have been known to change people's lives. And as all of you know, the only person you are competing against is yourself (and possibly your parents).
This will be a marathon challenge, I expect all of you to brace yourself for long and tough competition.
We are going to start off easy, today you need to make your team jersey. Just like on the biggest loser, they have a team color and it says "Biggest Loser" on the front. I have always admired the vulnerability and brutal honesty, and I challenge you to do the same. Are you the biggest loser you know? Are you the slowest learner you know? Do you have a hard time admitting you need help? Whatever describes you, write that on the shirt. You will wear it everyday until you quit! You can't get voted out of this competition, so it is just up to your will to survive.
Good luck, tomorrow we will begin the activities.

What bus?

Welcome to my Spring Forward Fall Back memo. Confused? I guarantee you that you are not nearly as confused as I am right now. After years of being a life coach I am starting to doubt the commitment levels of all my Winks (Just like Twitter has "Tweets," Dr. Winkle has "Winks." Unfortunately it isn't a direct correlating analogy, since "Winks" aren't the comments I post. "Winks" are all of my followers. So I guess a better example of "Winks" would be a plate of spaghetti and meatballs to a fork. I guess I would be the spaghetti and all of you are the "forks," except for a few of the non-committing, sensitive, "I need drama and poor results in my life" people out there, you people are the "meatballs."). After writing all of that, I think "Winks" would be a more appropriate name for my posts. Now I need a new name for all of my followers.... hmmm. How about "Winklings!" I love it! Ok, ok, I need to get back on track. So as I was saying, I am starting to doubt the commitment levels of all of my Winklings. Now, for those of you out there that have let me into your life, you have seen amazing results! I have not only taken your life to new levels of excellence, but I have given you reasons to live. I have trained you to be a winner and an eater of all the meatballs out there. 
For all of you meatballs out there, since you continually stall to get on the bus, I have trained people to hunt you down and eat you. Then when they are done, they get on the bus and hang out with all of the forks while eating spaghetti for dessert. Meatballs are very easy to find, since they think they are waiting at the bus stop to get on, but they just wait. They actually find themselves standing at a crosswalk near a local elementary school talking to the misfit crossing guard. No bus is coming meatball. You have to wait at a bus stop. My Winks are like a bus map. They will tell you where the bus stops are and where the busses are going. Spring is a perfect time for a new start. Get on the Bus!