Saturday, April 25, 2009

Attention all Winklings!

As all of you know from my "Wink" 3 minutes ago, I announced that all of you that follow my "Winks" are now called my "Winklings."
In honor of the Earth, I am going to start my Spring Challenge. Don't take this challenge lightly. My challenges have been known to change people's lives. And as all of you know, the only person you are competing against is yourself (and possibly your parents).
This will be a marathon challenge, I expect all of you to brace yourself for long and tough competition.
We are going to start off easy, today you need to make your team jersey. Just like on the biggest loser, they have a team color and it says "Biggest Loser" on the front. I have always admired the vulnerability and brutal honesty, and I challenge you to do the same. Are you the biggest loser you know? Are you the slowest learner you know? Do you have a hard time admitting you need help? Whatever describes you, write that on the shirt. You will wear it everyday until you quit! You can't get voted out of this competition, so it is just up to your will to survive.
Good luck, tomorrow we will begin the activities.

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