Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July Pinkie Promise

It makes me laugh how dumb kids can be. You can show them how to do something, and they think they can do it immediately without further instructions. I showed my kids how to light a firecracker, while in your hand, and then to hurry and throw it. Instantly my six year old thought he could do it and wanted to try. I told him 'No! It is very dangerous and you need to watch daddy do it a couple more times before you can try." He started to cry and insisted he already knew how to do it. I thought it would be a good opportunity to teach him a very valuable lesson in life. So I give him a hand full of fire crackers. He grabbed the first one, lit it, and it exploded in his hand. He started crying, but he was lucky he had his hand open, so it didn’t hurt as bad as it could have. I did a couple more in front of him, bragging about how cool it was, so naturally he wanted to try again. I told him that it was very dangerous, but he again insisted. Well, this time his hand wasn’t opened when the fire cracker exploded in his hand and it blew his pinkie off. We had to take him to the hospital and the doctors couldn’t do anything about the finger. To prove that I was right and to make sure he understands I keep trying to pinkie promise on everything I say. It makes him feel bad, but it will be a lesson that will stay with him for the rest of his life.

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