Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 3

Day 3
"Star light, star bright." Unless your journey took you to jail yesterday or you are still sitting perched on someone’s front porch, then you move forward. Tonight is all about patience. I want you to find a secluded spot that is dark. Pick a star in the sky and name it. The name should consist of something personal, but also revealing. It should be something that reminds you of your grandparents, and of summer flowers. Things that make you smile. Then I want you to stare at this star all night. Do not sit, do not lay down, just stare. Your neck will start to hurt and your legs will start to grow tired, but keep staring. This will connect you to a greater force, a greater force you will need in your journey. By the way, you need to do this with a cape on.


Tina said...

Normally I wouldn't give a blog like this the time of day, but this is outrageous! Life Coaches are a tremendous resource and I can't believe you are telling people this garbage. You are no Doctor. In fact, you are probably an overwieght man who lives with his mother. People like Ike are going to get hurt, or even killed by trying to follow this crap. I found this link at lifecoachesblog.com and was shocked when I began reading through some of these posts. Life Coaches can change lives and for you to be posing as some kind of "expert" is scary. You must be really bored to come up with your crap and intentionally try and harm people with your dangerous "methods".

Zeke said...

Listen here Tina...if you are such a fan of life coaches, then why have you not heard of Dr. Winkle? I don't see anyone getting mad at your choice in life coaches, and I don't think your "coach" would be happy about your coming after Dr. Winkle. I played the game with those so called life coaches and they aren't worth a damn. All they care about is telling you it is important to know why you are here and fluff like that. Dr. Winkle at least gives you some different ideas with specific directions. Why don;t you go back to your little hole and leave the fine Doctor alone!

Ike said...

Dear Dr. Larry Winkle,

Whoa I am tired. My cousins helped me with the me go birth and they kept kicking dirt towards me and laughing. My eyes wer closed so it didn't sting. There was only to people with me but it was nice. I don't feel no different. I sat under the hot desert last night and stared up at the big dipper and named the star running cactus from my aunts Navajo name running bear and the cactus plant with the flowers. My cousins dont think nothing is changing but the outside has been good. Its over 100 again and I keep going out to see if its going to get cooler. The cape was my old indian blanket that my grandma made for me. It has a a wolf crying up at the moon. I tried to think of the wolf crying up at the moon when I was looking up at the stars.

Dr. Larry Winkle said...


I can tell you are a member of PETA, because of your tone, your silly thoughts, and your dumb beliefs. I think its silly you're going to life coaching blogs trying to fix your life, its in shambles because of the things you chose to care about.Its no wonder you're still single and wandering through life aimlessly. You didn't properly address me, so I think I am done with your response. I am going to go buy a fur vest to celebrate your words of nonsense.